
Semi-annual report of the auto parts company is more optimistic about the

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Semi-annual report is about to usher in the peak. As a high-calorie plate, as of now, there are 72 auto parts industry listed companies released the first half of the performance notice, which reported 57 companies, accounting for nearly Bacheng. The reporter interviewed a number of leading auto parts enterprises learned that the second half of this year is expected to continue the performance of the first half of the growth momentum. This is to benefit from its own brand car, the new energy car market continued heavy volume; the other hand, there are industrial integration extension of the expansion of help. According to statistics, this year, through mergers and acquisitions, capital increase and other means, auto parts listed companies to extend the industrial chain case has more than 30 cases.

Own brands to pull the parts market

Independent brand car heavy volume, so that many auto parts business performance soared. Zhongtai Automobile first half of the performance notice revealed that the company's net profit will grow 436% to 516%. Guangdong ambitious, are wins electronics, Miles Yang and so are expected in the first half net profit growth will exceed 100%.

This year, the sales of its own brand car is particularly dazzling. The latest sales data show that the first half sales champion Geely Automobile in January to July total sales of 621,700, up 89%, compared to 1.1 million annual sales target, has been completed 57%. SAIC data show that from January to July, SAIC passenger car branch (ie, independent brand platform) cumulative sales of 270,700, an increase of 108.70%. Guangzhou Automobile Group 1 to 7 months of its own brand sales of 289,800, an increase of 52.43%.

Based on independent brand car heavy volume, a number of related auto parts business performance also entered the "open hanging" mode. Zhongtai Automobile first half of the performance notice revealed that the company's net profit will grow 436% to 516%. In addition, Guangdong ambitious, are wins electronic, Miles Yang and so are expected in the first half net profit growth will exceed 100%.

Whether it is the traditional parts of the plate, or new energy car business sector, Zhongtai cars have added enough "horsepower." Zhongtai car insiders told reporters: "In addition, the first half of this year, Zhongtai Automobile's new energy car business has become a sales bright spot, its pure sales, the company's auto parts are mainly instrument, performance has been good, the first half of this year also achieved growth." In addition, Electric passenger cars in January to June total sales of 1,3004, an increase of 65.38%. Moreover, the growth of new energy vehicle sales to a certain extent, also stimulated the performance of the company's parts plate growth.

For the second half of the performance, the company also has a better expectation. Zhongtai Automobile said: "This piece of parts is our traditional advantages of the field, this will certainly increase investment, because we produce spare parts not only for the use of public cars, but also foreign sales, including Beiqi, Changan and some other models Are using our spare parts, is expected in the second half of this performance will continue to grow.

The continued beneficiaries of new energy vehicles

The industry is expected in the second half of some new energy auto parts business development momentum will continue. However, some traditional parts of the enterprise if there is no core technology, may face the risk of being squeezed out of the market, low-end products will face eliminated, the industry will accelerate the acquisition.

August 8, the Ministry of Communications, Ministry of Housing and Urban jointly issued "on the promotion of the development of small micro-car rental health guidance" to promote the development of small passenger car leasing and Internet integration to encourage the development of time-sharing leasing, and establish a sound supporting policies and measures to encourage City commercial centers, government centers, large residential areas, transport hubs and other crowded areas of public parking for time-sharing rental vehicles to facilitate parking.

It is reported that the country has a small mini-bus time-sharing more than 40 enterprises, the total number of vehicles more than 40,000, more than 95% for new energy vehicles. Industry insiders said: "Whether for policy reasons, or their own cost considerations, new energy vehicles have become the best choice for car companies, this model also helps to accelerate the popularity of new energy vehicles."

With the new energy vehicle market continues to expand, auto parts industry will be the first to benefit. Committed to the intelligent driving control system, the new energy vehicle power management system R & D and manufacturing are wins electronic, this experience quite deep. Insiders told reporters that the new energy vehicles based on the good development trend, the company increased significantly performance. The company and domestic and foreign new energy vehicles have a better cooperation, such as the subsidiary KSS Tesla Model 3 to provide the latest security products and electronic technology, including the driver airbags, steering wheel and battery charging system and other systems and part. In the country, the company and Geely also has a good cooperation.

The person is expected, based on national policy support, the second half of some new energy vehicle parts and components business development momentum will continue. However, some traditional parts of the enterprise if there is no core technology, may face the risk of being squeezed out of the market, low-end products will face eliminated, the industry will accelerate the acquisition.

Reporters noted that this year's "auto industry in the long-term development plan" clear, to reinforce the basis of auto parts. By 2020, the formation of a number of more than 100 billion yuan sales of auto parts enterprise groups, in some key core technology areas have a strong international competitive advantage.

This year, the integration of the auto parts industry has been opened. Such as in the field of industrial tires, Fengshen shares intended to nearly 60 billion acquisition of PTG (Pirelli industrial tires), Guilin times, etc., which will become the largest, the world's fourth industrial tire business.

In addition, the three flower intellectual control to 2.15 billion yuan to the controlling shareholder of a wholly owned subsidiary of Sanhua green can be directed to buy its holdings of three flowers 100% stake in the same time to raise funds for the "annual output of 11.5 million Sets of new energy auto parts construction project "and so on. The injection of the controlling shareholder of high-quality auto parts assets, the company's product line has been further improved, but also for the growth of performance to provide sustained power.

The same is the layout of the new energy auto parts plate, last month, CITIC Heavy Industries announced that the company intends to price 690 million acquisition of Tianjin Song is 52% stake. After the completion of the transaction, Tianjin Song is for the listed company system expansion of vehicle control systems and auto parts production, research and development and sales business, to achieve CITIC Heavy Industries in the field of new energy vehicles, rapid distribution of power equipment.
